Life with Cherise

Monday, July 14, 2008

Day one, under way

Mark left yesterday to start his new job, so today is my first day officially as a "single mom". So far, so good. I took all the kids to the gym with my this morning, so I could still do my water fit class. I *LOVE* exercising outdoors in the pool - wish I could do that all year long. Now - we're getting ready to grind some wheat and make some homemade bread, since we ran out this morning (making french toast for breakfast). I'm going to try to remind the kids of the story of the Little Red Hen and see if they will help me! I've got a knitting class/group that I'm hoping to go to later this afternoon and we'll see how that goes with all the kids in tow. And, of course, I've got lots of digital scrapbooking projects going on . . . products and books to design . . . illustrations to make . . . busy, busy, busy.

Okay . . . so - we made the bread and all 4 of the kids helped! Yippee! Here are Aaron, Mason, and Bailey posing with the fresh bread just out of the oven. You'll notice that the loaves may not be as tall as you would normally expect . . . well that has a little something to do with all the bread dough that the kids were snitching. I kid you not - they were eating it by the handfuls! No raw eggs . . . so I'm hoping it's okay!



Blogger The Rook Family said...

You're a busy lady, Cherise! You'll be a fabulous "single mom" while Mark's gone. Thanks for posting a memory of me and my favorite memory of you is you eating lunch with us and discussing algebra with your 9 year old, Aaron! lol What an intelligent kid.

July 14, 2008 at 11:04 AM  

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